Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Assignment # 6 - Shadrach Minkins (slave) 1814 - 1875

There were many amazing African-Canadians but only one caught my eye...

Shadrach Minkins was born into slavery in 1814. The first 30 years of his life he lived in the port city of Norfolk,Virginia.
A few years before the Civil War, slaves fled Norfolk hoping to travel unseen across the Mason-Dixon line. Most were unsuccessful but Minkins was. In May 1850 he made his way to Boston. Minkins's master found out that he had escaped and had U.S officers arrest him. A crowd of African-Americans gathered at the courthouse where Minkins was being held, took hold of him and carried him off. Lewis Hayden was in the center of the scheme to rescue Minkins and spirit him away to freedom. He was taken to a hiding place on Beacon Hill. Minkins was handed over to Hayden who transported him to Concord where the fugitive was put on a path to Canada. That night he began his journey on the underground railroad. Six days later he safely arrived in Canada. Four days after he arrived he became a new resident of Montreal. A few months later he became the owner of a new Montreal restaurant. Minkins was the first escaped slave captured in New England under the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law.
I think that Shadrach Minkins had a pretty hard - but exciting - life.

These are the sites I got information from:

Mass Moments: Shadrach Minkins - Biographical Profiles


Jessi M said...

I really like what you wrote about Shadrach Minkins. You gave a lot of detail and you are right about him having a hard and exciting life. Good job!!!

Chongo B. said...

Ryleigh ! (:
i LOVE your entry and because i looked at your blog it gave me a lot of things whioch i could do to make mine WAY better !
nice backround.. (:

ry-ry said...


Anonymous said...

love your assignemt #6
it has lots of info.. leep up the good work!

ally.96 said...

Hey Ryleigh♥

I love your blog and I like what you said about Shadrach Minkins !Keep upo the great work!

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Ryleigh,

Your blog is looking great and I'm looking forward to reading this entry, but I find it a little difficult to read your text as your font colour is almost too close to the background colour - how about a light purple or pink?

Emily Z said...

Heey Ryleigh,
I really like your layout!!!! It is really pretty, and I like your entry, it is really interesting.

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Ry,

It's much easier to read now - you have such an interesting background that the text can be difficult to see, but you've made good improvements!

Nice job!

ry-ry said...

thank you everyone!!!!! [=